The World’s Oldest Honorable Profession

My apologies to regular readers who come around here for the creativity and not the politics. Please skip this post if you are not interested in a powerfully worded opinion. Buckets of digital ink have already been spilt online over the debacle of FOTSA and SESTA and the seizure of …

Truth, Justice, Debate, and Democracy

I frequently preface and postscript posts where I talk about politics, ethics, religion, philosophy, or other touchy things with the categorical statement “I’m interested in the discussion/conversation. My opinion doesn’t matter.” The last couple weeks have reminded me of just how odd that sounds in our current cultural context, and …

Link Salad, Oct 22 2010

And, from the kitchen this weekend we have for you a lovely Link Salad, with leaves of history and science, garnished with a healthy dose of whimsy. But first, I begin with a special treat for my free-wheeling brewer friends. Beer has always been a problem in space — not …