If you’re looking to contact the demented dauphin of this domain, click here.
After a childhood in academia, J. Daniel Sawyer declared his independence by dropping out of high school and setting off on a series of adventures in the bowels of the film industry, the venture capital culture of Silicon Valley, surfing safaris, bohemians, burners, historians, theologians, adventurers, climbers, drug dealers, gangbangers, and inventors bred in him an obsession with staying one step ahead of the future springing uncontrollably out of the past.
To date, this obsession has yielded over thirty books and innumerable short stories, the occasional short film, nearly a dozen podcasts stretching over a decade and a half, and a career creating novels and audiobooks exploring the world through the lens of his own peculiar madness, in the depths of his own private forest in a rural exile, where he uses the quiet to write, walk on the beach, and manage a production company that brings innovative stories to the ears of audiences across the world.
Ejnjoyed your article on video editing software in the March issue of LJ. Question: are you familiar with any good screencasting software for Linux? Something equivalent to Camtasia or Snapz Pro?
For screencasting – as long as you don’t need real-time broadcast
abilities xvidcap, gtk-recordmydesktop, and screenkast all work pretty
well, as does invoking the following from the command line:
ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg
If you want to grab something that uses openGL, the only game in town
I’m aware of is a program called “yukon.”
Hi, your Sculpting God podcast is great. Very interesting stories, but the promos between are too loud. Is there anyway you can level the volume with the stories?
I usually listen to podcasts as I’m laying in bed at night and the difference in volume levels is really jarring.
Sculpting God is on Hiatus, and will return for the remainder of its run (another 4-8 stories) after my current novel, Antithesis, finishes podcasting. You can find Antithesis at http://antithesis.jdsawyer.net
Thanks for your interest – I’m glad you are enjoying the stories so far 🙂
I started listening to a very interesting podcast with Richard Carrier titled Ancient Science part 2. I have to comment on the interviewing. One person, don’t know the names of the two who were interviewing was constantly interrupting Richard and making comments as if he was the presenter. He didn’t seem to know what he was talking about and it came across that he was more interested in himself being heard than to let Richard talk.
Thanks for listening. I’m sorry that you felt this way about the episode – Reprobates has always been a conversational cast. One of the pitfalls of that is that new participants take a little while to find their groove. Hope other episodes wind up suiting you better — and thank you for the feedback.
Rarely do I chuckle upon reading an author’s bio. However, upon perusing yours I nearly fell out of my chair – so riddled was I with snickers, chuckles, and guffaws. Utterly delightful.
Thankfully, I recently stumbled upon a “Down from Ten” promo. Happily I’m now subscribed, and await the auditory stimulation which was so tantalizingly promised in said promo.
BTW, have you thought of an Amazon banner – link, as an extra money maker? Another podcast I listen to seems to do well by it.
aloha – J.
I caught the podcast interview you did with Johanna Penn and wanted to know how to go about reaching brick and mortar retail kiosks and libraries for my audiobooks. I went nonexclusive with ACX and want to reach those truck stops you mentioned during the interview.
JD Sawyer, What the hell!
I first heard you on the Metamor City Podcast in some of the round tables and feedback shows and gave your podcast a try. I’ll admit I wasn’t hooked on Predestination until close to the end. It seemed like there were a lot of pieces being set up for things to happen later and as the book ends, things were setting in motion for book 2… and I was down. I waited patiently with anticipation and settled in for the long haul as you wove things into action and then episode 12 ended and it stopped. I looked at Podbean with hope that it was just an error and there was just no more on Podbean. Trusty Stitcher wouldn’t let me down! Until it did. Why you do this? Get me all caught up in the action of what looked to be an epic story of intrigue and suspense and then cut it off? I hope all is well but damnit I gotta know what happened to Joss and the Moon and OMG EVERYTHING!
PS: please say that there’s more and I just didn’t find it.
Hey brother thanks for accepting my invite to LBRY. I shared the invite in a few obscure places. Regardless how you discovered me thanks. My attention span can be measured in nano seconds, but you have audio content which is amazing
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Ejnjoyed your article on video editing software in the March issue of LJ. Question: are you familiar with any good screencasting software for Linux? Something equivalent to Camtasia or Snapz Pro?
Hi Mark –
Glad you enjoyed the video editing article.
For screencasting – as long as you don’t need real-time broadcast
abilities xvidcap, gtk-recordmydesktop, and screenkast all work pretty
well, as does invoking the following from the command line:
ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg
If you want to grab something that uses openGL, the only game in town
I’m aware of is a program called “yukon.”
Hope that helps!
-Dan Sawyer
Hi, your Sculpting God podcast is great. Very interesting stories, but the promos between are too loud. Is there anyway you can level the volume with the stories?
I usually listen to podcasts as I’m laying in bed at night and the difference in volume levels is really jarring.
I was wondering is Scumpting God completed or are there more episodes past episode 8?
Sculpting God is on Hiatus, and will return for the remainder of its run (another 4-8 stories) after my current novel, Antithesis, finishes podcasting. You can find Antithesis at http://antithesis.jdsawyer.net
Thanks for your interest – I’m glad you are enjoying the stories so far 🙂
I started listening to a very interesting podcast with Richard Carrier titled Ancient Science part 2. I have to comment on the interviewing. One person, don’t know the names of the two who were interviewing was constantly interrupting Richard and making comments as if he was the presenter. He didn’t seem to know what he was talking about and it came across that he was more interested in himself being heard than to let Richard talk.
Marg –
Thanks for listening. I’m sorry that you felt this way about the episode – Reprobates has always been a conversational cast. One of the pitfalls of that is that new participants take a little while to find their groove. Hope other episodes wind up suiting you better — and thank you for the feedback.
Rarely do I chuckle upon reading an author’s bio. However, upon perusing yours I nearly fell out of my chair – so riddled was I with snickers, chuckles, and guffaws. Utterly delightful.
Thankfully, I recently stumbled upon a “Down from Ten” promo. Happily I’m now subscribed, and await the auditory stimulation which was so tantalizingly promised in said promo.
BTW, have you thought of an Amazon banner – link, as an extra money maker? Another podcast I listen to seems to do well by it.
aloha – J.
Pingback: Principles of Contracts: Everyone Knows Peggy Lee (Or Should) | Books in the News
Hi JD,
I caught the podcast interview you did with Johanna Penn and wanted to know how to go about reaching brick and mortar retail kiosks and libraries for my audiobooks. I went nonexclusive with ACX and want to reach those truck stops you mentioned during the interview.
JD Sawyer, What the hell!
I first heard you on the Metamor City Podcast in some of the round tables and feedback shows and gave your podcast a try. I’ll admit I wasn’t hooked on Predestination until close to the end. It seemed like there were a lot of pieces being set up for things to happen later and as the book ends, things were setting in motion for book 2… and I was down. I waited patiently with anticipation and settled in for the long haul as you wove things into action and then episode 12 ended and it stopped. I looked at Podbean with hope that it was just an error and there was just no more on Podbean. Trusty Stitcher wouldn’t let me down! Until it did. Why you do this? Get me all caught up in the action of what looked to be an epic story of intrigue and suspense and then cut it off? I hope all is well but damnit I gotta know what happened to Joss and the Moon and OMG EVERYTHING!
PS: please say that there’s more and I just didn’t find it.
I have finally posted an update–you’ll find it on the feed. Sorry for leaving you hanging for so long!
Hey brother thanks for accepting my invite to LBRY. I shared the invite in a few obscure places. Regardless how you discovered me thanks. My attention span can be measured in nano seconds, but you have audio content which is amazing