The World’s Oldest Honorable Profession

My apologies to regular readers who come around here for the creativity and not the politics. Please skip this post if you are not interested in a powerfully worded opinion. Buckets of digital ink have already been spilt online over the debacle of FOTSA and SESTA and the seizure of …

Briggs Defection Cover Reveal! (Kabrakan/Antithesis Day 476)

In today’s edition of Dan’s Nutty Life Story, we bring you an educational resource, a book review, a cute puppy picture, and a cover reveal (not necessarily in that order). Oh boy oh boy oh boy, it was a hot one today. Third day in a row when it was …

Book 1? Check (Antithesis/Kabrakan Day 475)

One Down. Five to go. And hot damn does it feel good to say that. I must apologize for my delinquency–I utterly failed in my journalistic duty to document the progress of this book over the last month, when I have actually been writing every day. I found myself over-scheduled, …